Created by a group of concerned citizens in the Chicago area, OhSoWe.Com allows existing social groups to connect online and share possessions in an attempt to reduce consumption and save money. [OhSoWe.Com has shut down — ed. 4/20/14]
The team explains the concept on their website, stating that “collectively, between you and your trusted groups, you probably have almost everything you could possibly need. The problem was that you might not know who owns what and if it was available to borrow when you need it. With, you can see which of your friends has what you need and ask them to borrow it. It is super easy.”
By allowing you to connect directly with other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, OhSoWe makes getting in contact with friends and neighbors an easy endeavor. Simply search for the item you need, and see if people in the area are willing to lend. The more people who get involved, the easier it will be to share what you need instead of having to buy one-time-use items, thus lowering consumption throughout the city.