Tillett Lighting Design Inc. | OHNY October 15, 2011

Situated in an early-20th-century former button factory, the firm creates lighting concepts for a variety of environments, from parks to Park Avenue apartments.   Add this event to your calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/render?eid=a3QxZWQ0…

Tactical Urbanism – October 15, 2011

CNU New York is a sponsor in the upcoming Tactical Urbanism Salon on October 15.   Add this event to your calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/render?eid=cmhncG9mNXZpYzFubTN2OTl0bmJkdm04am8gdGhlY2l0eWF0bGFzLm9yZ192azJoYTJncTY4dGtudTV2cW9sNnZ…

Find Your Way in a City GPS-Free by Paying Attention to the Ubiquitous Cues

Your phone’s GPS capabilities mean you can pinpoint yourself on a map with the tap of your finger, but should your battery die or your phone go on the fritz, would you be able to navigate compass-free?Source: lifehacker.com, via City Atlas

Debunking Another Green Jobs Attack by Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal

Meanwhile, American Petroleum Institute Chief Economist says: “Anybody dismissing any type of job is silly.” by Kate Gordon Another day, another attack on the growing and popular clean energy sector.Source: thinkprogress.org, via City Atlas

Have Your (Batter) Cake & Eat It, Too: A 19th-Century Food Tasting : October 14th, 2011

Have Your (Batter) Cake & Eat It, Too: a 19th-Century Food Tasting…   Add this to your calendar: https://www.google.com/calendar/b/0/render?eid=a2FqcmpmZTRhb2lnaXYwbWYzdnNhbXYyZzAgdGhlY2l0eWF0bGFzLm9yZ192azJoYTJncTY4dGtudTV2cW9sNnZicWIzc0Bn…

Civic Action: A Vision for Long Island City | The Noguchi Museum – October 13, 2011 to April 22, 2012

In response to this neighborhood, now undergoing significant change, The Noguchi Museum and Socrates Sculpture Park have forged an alliance through Civic Action: A Vision for Long Island City. Four artists known for their work in the public sphere were…