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Family Workshops at Dulce De Harlem Community Garden
October 11, 2014 - November 1, 2014
Citizens Committee for New York City & Envi Harlem
welcome you to take part in
FREE FAMILY WORKSHOPS at the Dulce de Harlem Community Garden!
Where: Dulce de Harlem Saturday Workshops, 620 West 148th Street (between Broadway and Riverside Drive)
When: 1PM on October 11, 18, 25, and November 1 (Rain or Shine)
Refreshments will be served. Please confirm attendance at enviharlem@gmail.com
Indoor Container Gardening
Saturday, October 11
We invite families, groups, or individuals to join us this Saturday to kick off our Fall Workshop Series at Dulce de Harlem, where we’ll be transplanting plants from the garden to containers, and taking them indoors for the fall and winter seasons. We invite you to take a plant home with you, and brighten up your apartment this cold season. We will have plants for you to select from, herbs or flowers (mint, mums, and more!) There will be supplies for you to decorate pots and planters with to add that extra personal touch.
Make Your Own Pickles (and pickle your veggies!)
Saturday, October 18
Come join us for our second workshop this fall, where we will learn about the ancient craft of pickling. Bring your friends, your favorite veggies, and a jar if you have one, and join us in a celebration of fermentation. In this lesson, we will learn about food preservation and spoilage, as well as the friendly (and not-so-friendly) bacteria involved in it. We will taste a number of different pickles, discuss the various ingredients in pickle recipes, learn about the process of fermentation, and make some pickles of our own. If you have a vegetable that you’d like to experience pickled, bring it with you! All necessary supplies will be provided, although supplemental supplies are appreciated (jars, vegetables, utensils, spices).
Seed Saving & Pumpkin Carving
Saturday, October 25
Partake in the annual gardening tradition of Seed Saving with us this this season, as the garden begins to wind down for the fall and winter. In this workshop, we will learn all about seeds through various hands-on activities. We will collect seeds from our plants to use next spring, and make wildflower seed-balls (to be tossed by guerilla gardeners of all ages). We’ll also be carving jack-o-lanterns for this upcoming Halloween. We might even roast some pumpkin seeds as a mid-autumn snack! (Bring your carving tools, pumpkins will be provided.)
Compost: A New Beginning
Saturday, November 1
Our final workshop this season will be all about composting! Save your food scraps and other organic waste, join us on a compost project at Dulce. We will be building a lasagna garden bed (a garden built out of food scraps), in which we will plant some late-season grains and garlic. Next season, our lasagna bed will be a verdant veggie patch! This session, we will also explore Dulce de Harlem’s other composting facilities; this is an excellent opportunity to get involved with composting at Dulce, or learn more about the process.
For more info, visit: www.enviharlem.com