

Free Yoga in Bryant Park

Bryant Park New York

Bryant Park Yoga is returning for its 12th season! Stop by the park
and join a Tuesday morning class or Thursday evening class!


Summer Streets New York City

Summer Streets Park Ave and 72nd Street to Brooklyn Bridge, New York

Sum­mer Streets is an annual cel­e­bra­tion of New York City’s most valu­able pub­lic space—our streets. On three con­sec­u­tive Sat­ur­days in August, nearly seven miles of NYC’s streets are opened for peo­ple to play, run, walk and bike. Sum­mer Streets pro­vides space for healthy recre­ation and encour­ages New York­ers to use more sus­tain­able forms of trans­porta­tion!


Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival

Meadow Lake Flushing Meadows Corona Park 11101 Corona Ave, Flushing

The 24th annual Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival in New York!


The Brooklyn Music Festival

Governors Island, Colonels Row New York

The Brooklyn Music Festival is designed to celebrate the accomplishments and achievements of New York City’s largest borough.


Formell y Los Van Van

Concert Hall at Lehman College 250 Bedford Park Blvd. West, Bronx

A collection of dance tracks incorporating the contemporary arrangements of Juan Formell’s hit from the past.

$45 – $60