
The Cost of an Urban Climate Crisis, A #BHeard Community Town Hall

BRIC 647 Fulton Street , Brooklyn

Join us on December 9th for a #BHeard Community Town Hall on the high cost of climate change, and how we, as a community, can better arm ourselves for an increasingly unpredictable future. We’ll hear stories from local activists and journalists, challenge our local politicians, and start a new chapter for Brooklynites championing urban environmental activism.


Paul Romer and Matthew Kahn: Chinese Urbanization and Environmental Quality

NYU Stern School of Business - Abbe-Bogun Faculty Lounge 44 West 4th Street, New York

Renowned urban and environmental economist Matthew Kahn will sit down with Paul Romer on Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 for another installment of the Conversations on Urbanization series here at NYU. They will take China’s urbanization and the environmental dynamics of Chinese cities as starting points for the conversation.


From Paris to New York: A People’s Agenda for Preventing Climate Change

Cathedral of St. John the Divine 1047 Amsterdam Avenue at 112th St, New York

Join us for a discussion about plans to stop our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy in New York. We’ll receive updates on what’s happening in Paris. And we’ll learn from community leaders about plans to divest from fossil fuels, stop fracking infrastructure, and create a just transition to clean energy.
