

Portia Munson: Earth Rites

NYU Langone Medical Center Art Gallery 550 First Avenue , New York City

This exhibition features works by artist Portia Munson which serve as a reminder of the profound impact we have on our environment and a call…


People’s Climate Movement

Washington D.C. Washington D.C.

Join the Peoples Climate Movement this April 29th in Washington, D.C. and across the country to stand up for our communities and climate.

Everything we have struggled to move forward in the United States is in peril. Our loved ones feel under siege, and those in power in Washington are advancing a dark and dangerous vision of America that we know is untrue. To change everything, we need everyone.

Free – $100

Garden Walk: Trees and the Designed Landscape

Wave Hill 675 West 252nd Street, Bronx

Trees play an integral role in landscape design, from defining garden spaces to softening architecture and acting as focal points. Take a spring stroll with…

Free – $8

The Human Odyssey

Poe Park Visitor Center 2640 Grand Concourse, Bronx

The Human Odyssey Series, curated by Malcom Betts, is a monthly performance showcase series exploring the human connection between the performer and audience. It challenges…
