
Latest Past Events

Fashion & Sustainability: Why What You Wear Matters

LMHQ 150 Broadway, New York

Join us for a candid conversation on why what we wear matters in the fight for #environmentaljustice in this exclusive Q&A on #fashion & #sustainabilitywith leaders in the industry. We…

Rise for Climate, Jobs, and Justice: Now is the Time for Action!!

Battery Park New York

The weekend before San Francisco’s Global Climate Action Summit, the Peoples Climate Movement will lead a national mobilization for climate, jobs, and justice. September 8th will be a moving demonstration of…


Visit Swale at Brooklyn Army Terminal Pier 4

Brooklyn Army Terminal 140 58th Street, Brooklyn

Swale is a floating food forest built atop a barge that travels to piers in New York City, offering educational programming and welcoming visitors to harvest…
