
Brooklyn Bridge Park Scavenger Hunt

Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1 Pier 1 Furman and Old Fulton Streets Brooklyn Bridge Park, Brooklyn, United States

Come to the Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1 Scavenger Hunt. A great event organized by the Urban Park Rangers to help kids experience, explore, and…


The Bryant Park Film Festival

Bryant Park 41 W 40th St, New York, NY, United States

  On August 12th, "The Women" will be playing on the lawn of Bryant Park at 5:00PM. Be sure to get there early because space…


Green Team BK Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park Pier 1 Pier 1 Furman and Old Fulton Streets Brooklyn Bridge Park, Brooklyn, United States

The Green Team is a wonderful opportunity to learn about gardening, enjoy nature, and make the park look its best.

Summer on the Hudson: Mat Pilates

Riverside Park South Plaza and 66th st, Manhattan, NY, United States

This total body workout is a great way to develop superior core muscle power and tone, all with a beautiful view of the Hudson.

Green Building Fundamentals and Training at Solar One

Solar One Stuyvesant Cove Park, East River and 20th Street, Manhattan, United States

Green building fundamentals and training at Solar One covers utilities like heating and electricity, making healthy living spaces, water use, air quality, waste management, and NYC energy auditing and retro-commissioning requirements.

Poison green: Czech center through September 2

Czech Center 321 East 73rd , New York

  Exhibition examining themes, concepts and cultural fictions dealing with environment and ecology, featuring Czech and international artists. Poison Green seeks to demystify the ideologies inherent…


Compost for Brooklyn volunteers needed every Thursday

Unnamed Venue Newkirk and E 8th St, Brooklyn

Volunteers Needed for Summer Open Hours! Every Thursday from 12:30-2:30 pm & Saturdays, 11-1 pm : July 27th, August 10th, and August 24th Located at…


SyFy Movies with a View 2013: Rocky

Brooklyn Bridge Park Brooklyn , NY, United States

Join us for the 14th season of our free, outdoor film series! This year's theme, "With Love From..." tours cities from around the globe with a lineup of fantastic films


Farm to Fork on the Brooklyn Grange Roof

Brooklyn Navy Yard 63 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn , NY, United States

Come to the Parker Red Farm to Fork event hosted by the Brooklyn Grange! Enjoy the beautiful views of Manhattan and the history and future…

$1 – $150