All Posts Under pollinators

GreenThumb Workshop: Attracting Native Pollinators

Union Street Garden 970 Union St., Brooklyn, NY, United States

Want to attract native bees, butterflies and other pollinators? Come and learn how to do so with wonderful smelling plants with showy flowers and fragrances that will also welcome your neighbors.

Beyond the Honeybee: Exploring Critical Pollinators

Threes Brewing 333 Douglass St, Brooklyn, NY, United States

This spring sea­son the Gowanus Canal Con­ser­vancy is host­ing a 4-part series exam­in­ing the theme “Liv­ing Things in an Urban Ecosys­tem”, where invited pan­elists bring their per­spec­tives on the liv­ing infra­struc­ture of New York City, pro­vok­ing ques­tions about our human and envi­ron­men­tal rela­tion­ships within an urban envi­ron­ment.
