All Posts Under ride

Brooklyn Waterfront Epic Ride

Newton Barge Playground Commercial St. and Dupont St., Brooklyn, NY, United States

Join Brooklyn Greenway Initiative and partners for a 40-mile bike ride along the Brooklyn-Queens waterfronts. For those who are not biking, there is also an opportunity to join GrowNYC’s Office of Recycling Outreach & Education (OROE) as a volunteer and help spread recycling vibes at the Epic Ride.

Aeolian Ride Birthday Party to Support 596 Acres

Grand Army Plaza Grand Army Plaza, Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn , NY, United States

Want to be a part of a fun, inflated sculpture transforming the landscape of the city? AEOLIAN RIDE will celebrate its 10th birthday in New York with a riding event to Governor's Island and the site of 596 Acres' Urban Reviewer residency with Spontaneous Interventions on Governor's Island.
