All Posts Under sea level rise

2014 Rising Seas Summit

Crowne Plaza Times Square 1605 Broadway, New York City, NY 10019, New York City, NY, United States

The inaugural Rising Seas Summit brought together more than 170 professionals from national and local government, industry, academic institutions and environmental NGOs together to highlight…

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Public Meeting on Sea Level Rise Projection

Hunter College West Building, Room 511 121 East 67th Street , New York, NY, United States

The CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities will be hosting a public meeting for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to discuss the Community Risk and Resilience Act and projections of sea level rise. The meeting is open to the public and the Hunter College community is encouraged to attend.


Jane’s Walk: the future sea level in lower Manhattan

Barclay Street and Church NE corner of Barclay and Church Streets, Manhattan, United States

What's the best response to the enormous social challenge of rising seas? Citizen's Climate Lobby, with nonpartisan leaders including George Shultz and James Hansen, has an idea, and you'll hear about it during the walk.

Global Premiere: “Thirty Million” a documentary on climate change

UN Secretariat - Conference Room 7 46th and 1st avenue , New York, NY, United States

Thirty Million is a film made to explore the issue of sea level rise in Bangladesh and lift the wider concerns of rising seas into the public domain. After all, Bangladesh isn't the only country with a coastline.


Ensuring Urban Resilience, Come Hell Or High Water

Columbia Law Schoool Jerome Greene Hall, Room 106, New York, NY, United States

Urban resilience also means changes in land use along with better and more equitable ways to protect a city's people. Realizing these innovations requires that New York and other great cities must give high priority to advancing the emerging capacities to foster and make the most of new approaches to climate risk management.


New York Sea Level Rise Projections: Implications for Law, Land Use, Buildings and Infrastructure

Columbia University, Morningside Campus, International Affairs Building, Kellogg Center, Room 1501 1150 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY, United States

As required by a 2014 state statute, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has just issued official sea level rise projections. They reflect a range of possible scenarios; at the high end, sea level in the New York City area could rise 75 inches (6.2 feet) by the year 2100.This program will explore how these projections, now that they are embodied in a formal regulation, will affect a broad range of decisions in building and infrastructure siting, design, construction and materials; insurance and financing; environmental impact review; and securities disclosure.


Kim Stanley Robinson and the Science Friday Book Club

Strand 828 Broadway, New York, United States

Science Friday host Ira Flatow is sitting down with acclaimed science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson to talk about his latest book New York 2140. The book envisions a not-so-distant future in which sea levels have risen, the streets of New York have become canals, and skyscrapers have become islands. The discussion will include a Q&A, book signing, and a demonstration from the Science Friday Education team. Tickets are $15 and include a Strand gift card for the same amount.


The future sea level in Lower Manhattan

Barclay Street and Church NE corner of Barclay and Church Streets, Manhattan, United States

Join Citizen's Climate Lobby and City Atlas as we trace the outlines of future sea level downtown, using Climate Central maps as our guide.


Times Square Broadway between 42nd and 47th Streets, New York City, United States

Presented with the World Science Festival as part of its 10th anniversary season and produced by MAPP International Productions. A visceral and visual performative collision of the human body and water, born of the concern that as global sea levels rise, flooding and drought will become the central issues of the 21st century.


City of Rising Waters: A Symposium

Museum of the City of New York 1220 Fifth Avenue, New York

To mark the fifth anniversary of Superstorm Sandy -- a watershed moment for New Yorkers' awareness of the devastating impacts of climate change -- join us for an…

$35 – $40

Book Talk – Blue Dunes: Climate Change by Design!

AIA Center for Architecture Hines Gallery, 435 LaGuardia Place , New York , NY, United States

Blue Dunes: Climate Change by Design is a book documenting the proposal to create an offshore barrier island chain in the New York/New Jersey Harbor.…
