All Posts Under sea level

Ensuring Urban Resilience, Come Hell Or High Water

Columbia Law Schoool Jerome Greene Hall, Room 106, New York, NY, United States

Urban resilience also means changes in land use along with better and more equitable ways to protect a city's people. Realizing these innovations requires that New York and other great cities must give high priority to advancing the emerging capacities to foster and make the most of new approaches to climate risk management.


Kim Stanley Robinson and the Science Friday Book Club

Strand 828 Broadway, New York, United States

Science Friday host Ira Flatow is sitting down with acclaimed science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson to talk about his latest book New York 2140. The book envisions a not-so-distant future in which sea levels have risen, the streets of New York have become canals, and skyscrapers have become islands. The discussion will include a Q&A, book signing, and a demonstration from the Science Friday Education team. Tickets are $15 and include a Strand gift card for the same amount.


Sea Level Rise: Causes, Impacts and Options for Solutions

Lerner Hall, Columbia University 115th and Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Sea Level Rise: Causes, Impacts and Options for Solutions - Perspectives from science and the stakeholder community Program participants will include: Robin E. Bell, Palisades Geophysical…


The Future Sea Level in Lower Manhattan

Barclay and Church St. Barclay and Church St. (north of Calatrava/WTC station), New York, NY, United States

Led by Richard Reiss, New York chapter of Citizen's Climate Lobby and City Atlas   The leaders of the New York chapter of Citizen’s Climate…