All Posts Under manhattan

4th New York City Climate Justice Youth Summit

This year NYC Climate Justice Youth Summit will focus on: the connection between fossil fuel extraction and climate justice. The Summit will serve as the launch to prepare the youth for what we hope to be the biggest climate march in New York City-The People’s Climate March.

4th New York City Climate Justice Youth Summit

This year NYC Climate Justice Youth Summit will focus on: the connection between fossil fuel extraction and climate justice. The Summit will serve as the launch to prepare the youth for what we hope to be the biggest climate march in New York City-The People’s Climate March.

We’re Burnin’ Daylight

Commercial office spaces are using advanced controls and other daylighting strategies to reduce energy loads. Join Urban Green Council to discuss the outcomes, advantages and challenges of these advanced systems.

A local guide to FringeNYC

With shows from over 200 companies appearing at FringeNYC, the program guide may feel intimidating. Here, we suggest a few shows that are relevant to what we care about at City Atlas: New York and its future.

Hot Fun at Summer Streets!

GrowNYC is going to be greening up the Summer Streets event for 3 weekends, August 2nd, 9th, and 16th, and we need our excellent team of volunteers to help us with recycling bin monitoring and education at our GrowNYC OROE table.

Volunteer: Weekly Garden Crew

Garden Crew meets to maintain and revitalize the ornamental and native plantings around Sherman Creek and Swindler Cove. As part of garden crew you will help redesign and plant garden beds as well as weed, water and dead-head in existing gardens.