Carolyn McGrath and Kate Schapira
“A lot of education…is predicated on the idea that things are going to stay more or less the same, and we’re already seeing the ways in which that is not true…”
“A lot of education…is predicated on the idea that things are going to stay more or less the same, and we’re already seeing the ways in which that is not true…”
Dr. Christopher Shaw is a climate communications expert and the former Head of Research at Climate Outreach, where among the reports he worked on is a…
“The second thing that I promised to the 1000s of people that came to my research was…I promise I’m going to return to Europe without touching a plane…”
“There’s a huge cognitive dissonance, right? People will be thinking about, well how can I make enough money so I can retire with the amount of wealth that I want? While also knowing logically that, okay, yeah, but like, by the time I’m at retirement age, what’s the world even gonna look like? You know, what am I even saving for?”
“What happens if, say the president of France is elected and has a mandate to cut carbon emissions by twenty percent in five years, and if emissions are cut by nineteen percent?
Has the person failed, or not? Given the amount of the challenge, 19 out of 20 could be seen, Wow, that’s good enough, that works! But what about 18? What about 17?”
“When politics becomes really dysfunctional, the temptation is to just be quite a cynical realist and say, That’s just how the world is now. But the more I think about it, the more I think that when you’re confronted with these problems, you actually need to double down on the idealism.”
We designed a board game about the future of New York City. This gives everyone the chance to see the scope of change and cooperation…
“By the time you folk have finished university, and are maybe three or four years into your first job, that 10 years that has been spoken about is gone. So there needs to be a space where people like yourselves can feel safe enough to talk about what your fears and hopes are for the future.”
“It’s important that high school students and even younger than high school students understand what exactly is happening to the planet they’re living on.”
“If I go chronologically, it actually starts with a personal story. So in 2012, I had a beer with my friend Charlie…”
“One of my main areas that I’ve focused on for years is just the kind of timeframe to change to make the changes and how that needs to be really rapid. You can’t just rely on huge infrastructure projects because they take ages.”
JEFF BERARDELLI: So when you take a long term drought due to climate change–mostly due to climate change, not all of it–and then you take…
RADLEY HORTON: If we look at other things that kill far more people like having heart disease, or, you know, having really bad asthma,…
“We calculated that 60 to 70% of the Finnish emissions profile is connected to households. How they live, how they heat their home, for example. With that kind of profile, we get about 10 tonnes per person on the average in Finland. That should drop to 2.5 tonnes within 10 years.”
The New York Society for Ethical Culture is a humanist community that has been dedicated to social justice and education since its founding in 1876.…
Peter Kalmus has reduced his personal carbon emissions from roughly 20 tons to 2, and he’s written a book about what he’s learned.
Chinatown was hurt during Hurricane Sandy, with many non-English speaking elderly stranded in high rises without water, lights, heat, or elevators. What future plans for the historic neighborhood are best, as projections for sea level rise increase?