
Great New York City Buildings Few Guide Books Will Ever Mention

Brooklyn Brainery 190 Underhill Ave, Brooklyn , NY, United States

This class will look at buildings that you might pass without noticing, but which have their own rich history and significance in the New York City architectural vernacular.


Sustainability Crash Course 2015

Center for Sustainable Design Studies at Pratt 200 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Imagine being able to spend one amazing day immersed in learning about sustainable design—and meeting the people who have pioneered new thinking and practices.

On Saturday, March 28, 2015, Pratt’s CSDS will present the fifth annual Sustainability Crash Course, a day-long series of workshops with a host of experts from Pratt’s sustainable design faculty and elsewhere.


ConSERVE New York City: Gantry Plaza State Park in Queens

Gantry Plaza State Park 4-09 47th Road, Long Island City, NY, United States

Join the Student Conservation Association as they team up with New York State Parks for a day of service at Gantry Plaza State Park in Queens!


Earth2Class Workshop: The Source and Solution to Groundwater Arsenic Contamination

Unnamed Venue NY, United States

E2C is a unique science/math/technology resource for K-12 teach­ers, stu­dents, the gen­eral pub­lic, and geo­sci­en­tists. It is a col­lab­o­ra­tion among researchers and an Earth Sci­ence edu­ca­tor at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Obser­va­tory of Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity; tech­nol­ogy inte­gra­tion spe­cial­ists from Colé­gio Ban­deirantes, São Paulo, Brasil; and class­room teach­ers from New York, New Jer­sey, and else­where. It cen­ters around Sat­ur­day Work­shops for Edu­ca­tors held at Columbia’s Lam­ont Cam­pus in Pal­isades N.Y.


Composting With Worms: Indoor Vermicomposting Demystified at the Brooklyn Brainery

Brooklyn Brainery 190 Underhill Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Composting can seem too hard for the average citizen, but in this class, you’ll learn how easy it can be. We’ll talk through the basics of indoor vermicomposting (composting with worms) and how you can do your part to reduce your food waste.

Each participant will construct a bin, fill it with bedding, add some red wiggler worms, and watch them go to work!


Ride for Climate presentation with David Kroodsma

NYC Velo Hell’s Kitchen 590 West 45th Street, New York, NY, United States

“The Bicy­cle Diaries“ Book talk and slideshow of cycling three con­ti­nents and 30,000 miles For­mer Stan­ford cli­mate change researcher David Kroodsma has bicy­cled from Cal­i­for­nia…


Green Business Summit on Sustainable Food

Uris Hall, Columbia University 3022 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

A panel on how food supply can adapt to growing global demand and environmental pressures featuring panelists from Whole Foods, Chipotle, and more. Keynote speech on "Beyond Meat." Food and drink reception afterward.

Ride for Climate presentation with David Kroodsma

Red Lantern Bicycles 345 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Former Stanford climate change researcher David Kroodsma has bicycled from California to the southern tip of South America, from Turkey to the east coast of China, and across the U.S. twice.

Join David for a slideshow of his best photos and videos!


Platform: Creative Musings on Mass Transit

New York Transit Museum Boerum Pl, Brooklyn, New York, United States

An evening of live performances centered around mass transit in this ongoing series of inter-disciplinary programs.