
Compost Workday

East River Park Compost Yard FDR Drive btwn Jackson St. and Cherry St., New York, NY, United States

Volunteer with one of New York City’s oldest community composting programs! The Lower East Side Ecology Center in partnership with the NYC Compost Project diverts…

Greening the Grid: New York’s Energy Future

Museum of the City of New York 1220 Fifth Avenue, New York

Explore the future of energy in New York City in the face of changing demand, the rise of renewables, and the advent of community-based generation and distribution…

Sustainable Lawn Care

Queens Botanical Garden 43-50 Main Street, Flushing, NY, United States

Get a crash course on organic lawn management in this hands-on workshop. Participants will learn appropriate timing, application quantities, and techniques for using compost in…

It’s Electrifying: Converting Heating Systems

32BJ SEIU 25 West 18th Street, 5th Floor Auditorium, New York, NY, United States

The second installment of our It’s Electrifying series explores the promise and practical barriers to electrifying heating systems in multifamily buildings. As buildings of the future begin to…


New York City’s Streams: A retrospective from the Welikia Project

Hunter College 68th Street and Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Dr. Eric W. Sanderson of the Wildlife Conservation Society's Welikia Project and author of Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City, looks back at the more…

Climate Change Symposium (for adults)

Teatown Lake Reservation 1600 Spring Valley Rd, Ossining, NY, United States

This program will address one of the most critical modern sustainability issues: climate change. The program will feature individual talks by three eminent speakers in…

Lightfoot Market: Holiday Pop-Up

The Metropolitan Suite 123 West 18th Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY, United States

GIFT SHOPPING FOR GOOD. This holiday season, find gifts that align with your values. At Lightfoot Market’s free two-day pop-up you’ll find thoughtfully curated eco-friendly…

The Drop Shop

Founder's Lab 972 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn, NY, United States

By definition, the word “renew” is the act of restoring to existence once again. Renewear is a company that uses a brand as a point…

Kids Wildlife Workshop with Bobby Horvath

J. Hood Wright Recreation Center 351 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Have you ever wanted to meet an eagle owl? Pet a fox? Hold a red-tailed hawk? Here's your chance to get up close and personal…

NYC Outdoors! An Environmental Education Expo

New York University Kimmel Center 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY, United States

The NYC Outdoors! Expo is a public event showcasing environmental education resources in New York City. Who should attend? Teachers, Educators, Students, Faculty and anyone…

University Roundtable on Deep Energy and Carbon Reductions

Center for Architecture 536 LaGuardia Place, New York, United States

AIA New York invites you to attend a university roundtable on deep energy and carbon reductions. In New York City and State, universities are leading…
