All Posts Under climate change

David Sive Memorial Lecture on Environmental Law: The Present and Future of EPA, presented by Gina McCarthy

The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law presents the third David Sive Memorial Lecture on Environmental Law: “The Present and Future of EPA,” a presentation by Gina McCarthy, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2013-2017.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Brooklyn Meeting

Come join us for CCL Brooklyn’s eleventh chapter meeting, as we get to work pushing for sensible climate action policy at the state and national…

Climate Change in NYC: Bridging Science and Practice

Confronting the challenges of a rapidly urbanizing world threatened by climate change requires expanding on the traditional influence and capabilities of architects, landscape architects, and…

Designing Green Roofs and Rooftop Farms

Calling all architects, landscape designers, urban planners, sustainability coordinators and greening professionals of all stripes! Whether you’re responding to an affordable housing RFP, or designing a…

The Steely City

The next Urban Salon will focus on resiliency, both in the material sense and in the social sense. We will explore models of the “future New York” in the face of climate change and (other yet to occur crises) and the lived experience of past events, most memorably and recently, Hurricane Sandy.

How have New Yorkers stood up in times when resilience is required? How can you plan for community response for future events? How can New York continue to grow in an equitable and sustainable way? How do we see issues of equity surface at moments such as Hurricane Sandy and in the government’s response?

Given the recent election and the uncertainty around federal support for urban infrastructure projects, how can and should New York plan for the future?

The panel will be held in Package Free Shop, a recently opened mecca for living zero-waste.

Climate, Jobs and Justice Accountability Forum

Let’s translate the energy of the People’s Climate March and the Trump resistance into political impact in NYC: join a mass people’s interview of NYC Mayor de Blasio, Public Advocate James and Comptroller Stringer. Come learn about the issues, and then hear our city’s leaders’ views, question them on the big issues, hold them accountable, and urge them to take the bold policy action we need!


Presented with the World Science Festival as part of its 10th anniversary season and produced by MAPP International Productions. A visceral and visual performative collision of the human body and water, born of the concern that as global sea levels rise, flooding and drought will become the central issues of the 21st century.

People’s Climate Movement

Join the Peoples Climate Movement this April 29th in Washington, D.C. and across the country to stand up for our communities and climate.

Everything we have struggled to move forward in the United States is in peril. Our loved ones feel under siege, and those in power in Washington are advancing a dark and dangerous vision of America that we know is untrue. To change everything, we need everyone.

Kim Stanley Robinson and the Science Friday Book Club

Science Friday host Ira Flatow is sitting down with acclaimed science fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson to talk about his latest book New York 2140. The book envisions a not-so-distant future in which sea levels have risen, the streets of New York have become canals, and skyscrapers have become islands. The discussion will include a Q&A, book signing, and a demonstration from the Science Friday Education team. Tickets are $15 and include a Strand gift card for the same amount.

Water & Power: A California Heist

Gonna be a lot of irate citizens when they find out that they’re paying for water they’re not gonna get. — Jack Nicholson as J.J.…