All Posts Under green technology

High Line 4.0: Green Carceri

Springing off of the success of Manhattan’s popular Highline park, a new project, Green Carceri, has been announced. The mixed use building will act as natural extension of the park and serve as a neighborhood farm among other functions.

Green roofs 101

From beehives to gardens to fully-functioning farms, NYC residents have begun to utilize the city’s rooftops in ongoing efforts to go green. But what exactly is a green roof?

The big green hackathon

“Reinvent Green Hackathon” sounds like something out of a science fiction film— but it happened here in the city just two weeks ago. Five prizes were presented by the judges, but the jury’s still out on a sixth prize: Popular Choice, to be decided by the public. Voting is open until July 15th, so be sure to vote here;

Weekend Warm Up and cool down at MoMA PS 1

Currently on display at MoMA PS 1, the sculptural installation “Wendy” uses pollutant neutralizing materials equivalent to removing 260 cars from the road.

Exhibit: Design for the Real World Redux

“Design for the Real World Redux” features submissions to the international design competition for the Victor J. Papanek Social Design Award. Papanek famously argued that “design, if it is to be ecologically responsible and socially responsive, must be revolutionary and radical”.

Klaus Lackner

“And so, in essence, this is a CO2 pump: it takes CO2 from the air and pumps it and delivers it into this stream. This will work over and over for years and years.”

New York’s hidden green secret

A talk on Earth Day pulled back the curtain on something we thought we all knew: the MTA. Almost as inherent to MTA city travel as the sound of screeching brakes is the griping and groaning we do while on board.