All Posts Under infrastructure

High Line 4.0: Green Carceri

Springing off of the success of Manhattan’s popular Highline park, a new project, Green Carceri, has been announced. The mixed use building will act as natural extension of the park and serve as a neighborhood farm among other functions.

Green roofs 101

From beehives to gardens to fully-functioning farms, NYC residents have begun to utilize the city’s rooftops in ongoing efforts to go green. But what exactly is a green roof?

Owning an electric car in NYC gets easier // Listo para comparer un vehículo eléctrico en NY? Ahora es más fácil

In June, Governor Cuomo announced the development of 325 new electric vehicle charging stations across New York State. How will this impact NYC drivers?

Frack me not

Josh Fox’s new short film addresses the urgent issue of hydrofracking in New York state.