All Posts Under infrastructure

Reimagining the East River Esplanade

Currently on display at the Museum of the City of New York , “Reimagining the Waterfront: Manhattan’s East River Esplanade” features design proposals for the East River Esplanade, a strip of land between 60th and 125th Street.

Exhibit: Design for the Real World Redux

“Design for the Real World Redux” features submissions to the international design competition for the Victor J. Papanek Social Design Award. Papanek famously argued that “design, if it is to be ecologically responsible and socially responsive, must be revolutionary and radical”.

Why New York has the most valuable muck in the world

As progress on the much-delayed Second Avenue subway line creeps along, what do they do with all the material, called ‘muck,’ excavated from the site? In fact, the New York that we know and love today is the result of recycled muck being put to good use.

Supply Chain Spotlight: Freight Rail

Many heralded the opening of the High Line for its innovative reclaiming of a disused freight rail line as a public, open space. Its abandonment was due, in part, to the rise of interstate trucking since the 1950s, along with changes to the economic ge…