What does it take to install solar photovoltaics in NYC? What are some of the challenges that public and private institutions face in pursuing maximal…
What does it take to install solar photovoltaics in NYC? What are some of the challenges that public and private institutions face in pursuing maximal…
One puzzle on which top experts disagree is the role of nuclear power in providing a solution to climate change.
Will solar panels soon become as iconic to New York’s rooftops as the ubiquitous water tower?
Solving climate change means replacing our energy system: the climate change problem is largely a zero carbon global energy development problem. But changing the world’s…
The city has teamed with AirBnB so you can offer space in your home to displaced fellow New Yorkers by signing up online. NYC Service, Occupy Sandy and other volunteer…
Sean Lennon and Yoko Ono joined with activist Mark Ruffalo at a Manhattan press conference this week, adding their voices to the anti-fracking movement at a time when Governor Cuomo is in the late stages of a fateful determination about permitting fracking in New York State.
IBM recently teamed up with CUNY Ventures, a CUNY Economic Development Corporation entity, to develop its smart cities technology with a focus on urban solar market analysis and sustainability.