The jetstream and the potholes

The country is in a deep freeze today, but in NYC it’s the yo-yoing temperatures that stand out. Meterologists wonder if a stuttering jet stream, caused by declining Arctic sea ice, is behind the swings.

The President visits P-TECH

Amidst the con­tin­ued tur­bu­lence of his sec­ond term, Pres­i­dent Obama will arrive in Brook­lyn today to visit P-TECH, the inno­v­a­tive high school that counts IBM, CUNY and the city as part­ners. P-TECH was pro­filed in City Atlas, soon after open­ing.

Bike advice

For new cyclists, Brian Lehrer suggests a rearview mirror, and Alan Cumming says “Don’t look up.” We say, be like a deer in the forest.