Energetic in India

Energetic at LB College, Sagara, India. Photo: Deepak Sridhar

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From the fall of 2023 to the summer of 2024, through Deepak’s initiative, we have been testing ENERGETIC in cities in India to explore the potential for new versions of the game.

Why is India a good place to test the teaching potential of a collaborative game on energy? To quote from the International Energy Agency:

India may become the key nation for reaching emission targets midcentury. China, the EU, and the US are at various stages of decarbonization; energy demand in the EU and US is flat or dropping, and per capita emissions in all three economies have peaked or are dropping (in China’s case, ideally peaking around now). Because India is developing rapidly from a lower base level, the fate of the planet is more directly tied to how India changes, and how the public in India views the choices around energy

We’re excited at the opportunity to create localized versions for India, and to begin that work as soon as possible, because making good choices early has immense leverage on future outcomes

The US has a mixed record on this challenge, even though cities have had excellent planning information, like the C40 Cities 2020 report, available. That high level information did not always make it to the public at large, so political consent never developed for steps that would be necessary to ensure a smooth transition. ENERGETIC began as a sort of experiment to put a map, planning tools and relevant climate information directly into the public’s hands, to give practice in making decisions that otherwise the political system has found it impossible to make. See the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report on the missing program for public engagement that is holding back the energy transition in the United States.

With ENERGETIC well tested over five years in universities, and three years in New York City high schools, we have evidence that playing a locally accurate collaborative game is an efficient way to improve climate and energy literacy. ENERGETIC is in use in New York, in South Carolina, and in Tennessee, and we have learned that it works in India. A single 2.5 hour play of ENERGETIC in a class of 22 at IIT Bombay produced a 50% increase in the number of students that described themselves as confident or very confident in talking about the energy transition with their families, as shown in the animation below.

Survey question: “How confident would you be in describing the factors in the energy transition to a family member?” Movement to the right indicates an increase in confidence.

The full Bombay survey results are here. New York survey results, with 213 students, are here.

Below is feedback young professionals in India have shared after playing ENERGETIC at meet-ups organized by climate groups, including the Climate Party, a network for climate-focused Indians:

And below, feedback from an undergraduate at Flame University, who has become a game facilitator: