All Posts Under film

“Beasts of the Southern Wild”

Currently playing at several locations throughout the city, “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” addresses climate change in an intriguing and artistic way.

Frack me not

Josh Fox’s new short film addresses the urgent issue of hydrofracking in New York state.

Arts, Culture & Fun: Deaf Jam : Free Movie Screening October 19, 2011

Join Queens Arts, Culture & Fun for film screenings of Emmy Award-winning PBS series Independent Lens. Tonight’s film is “Deaf Jam” by Judy Lieff. In this film, Aneta Brodski, a deaf teen living in New York City, discovers the power of American Sig…

My Brooklyn, a film-in-the-making about how dramatic changes in the borough affect people My Brooklyn, a documentary film about how dramatic changes in the borough affect people About this project My Brooklyn chronicles the dramatic changes that have occurred in Brookl…