The White Roof Project, along with Green Drinks NYC and Solar One, hosted a Mega Efficiency Party on a recent Tuesday evening in an effort to showcase several NYC based organizations’ energy efficiency products and tips. Green Drinks NYC hosts monthly environmental networking events which connect eco-conscious individuals and professionals to foster a sustainable community in New York. This event took place in a beautiful large white tent beside the East River and was accompanied by the sounds of tristate area rock band The Setting Suns, and environmentally friendly food & drinks provided by Rural Vegan and Runa Clean Energy.

Image: whiteroofproject.org
Attendees learned about The White Roof Project’s important contribution to reducing the city’s energy consumption. The White Roof Project, largely run with the help of volunteers, converts roofs in the city from black tar to bright white, a simple task that helps reduce a building’s cooling energy expenditure in the summer months by up to 40%.

Image: www.ledlightsource.com
LED Source, a provider of energy efficient LED light bulbs, showcased their collaboration with Starbucks, which involved the recent renovations at their flagship store located in Theater District in Times Square. Starbucks hoped to incorporate the style of stage lighting found in Broadway shows, and with the help of LED Source they were able to do just that while simultaneously using 80% less energy than traditional bulbs, saving the company nearly $12k a year in energy costs.

Enertiv, a newly emerged startup that offers building energy monitoring devices and services, was also there. They sell both hardware and software that breaks down energy usage. This data is easily accessible through electronic devices and helps individuals within corporations and schools to conserve energy. These exciting new products and services are, as the company UX/UI Designer Monica Ngov put it, an energy MRI for buildings.
This event is an example of how NYC’s green community is working together to make this city one of the greenest in the United States. It is a mission, that with the help of so many dedicated individuals and companies, is slowly becoming a reality.